Mission, Vision & Core Values

Our Mission:

Here at Radiclaw Creations, it’s our mission to shine a compassionate light on special needs cats, increase the awareness around their adoptability, and reduce their euthanasia rate nationwide. Many cats who have special needs are euthanized due to the stigma around their extra care. We believe that by acting with intention, spreading awareness and support, and donating a portion of our profits to deserving shelters, our apparel can improve and extend the lives of special needs cats across the country. 

Our Vision:

We envision our brand making a tangible impact on the lives of special needs cats, not only by the time and resources that we donate to special needs shelters, but also by the awareness we raise nationally and the support we provide to the parents of special needs cats. Though our main way of raising funds is through the sales of our apparel, we feel strongly that awareness and education are the most impactful ways to end the stigma around adopting cats who might seem unadoptable.

Our Core Values:


At the core of our mission is our belief in upholding compassion at all times. With animal shelters across the country being overcrowded, underfunded, and overwhelmed, it can seem hopeless for so many homeless special needs pets to find a family that not only appreciates what makes them unique, but actively celebrates it. With compassion at the heart of everything we do, we are driven to show empathy and understanding to the animals and shelters who need it most.


We believe in returning the loyalty that special needs cats show to their rescuer by making a commitment to companionship. To us, this means leading with love. Shy, scared, and/or sick cats who need to experience the life-changing feeling of being cared for are often overlooked in traditional shelters. That’s why we use our platform to ensure that no cat goes unadopted and lives to experience the love and security that comes with finding a forever home.


The stigma around adopting special needs cats is pervasive; they’re often thought of as expensive or exhausting rather than loving or playful, as other cats are. In addition to raising much-needed financial resources, we aim to raise awareness, break stigmas and give support to special needs cat parents worldwide. By advocating for the welfare of cats with special needs, we are advocating for them to be seen as adoptable and worthy of love, kindness, dignity, and a wonderful, long and fulfilled life with a forever family of their own.